Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Soapstone Fish

Hey there. So I just got back from a week at a cottage with my family and during little moments where we weren't eating, swimming, kayaking or sleeping we would sit down a do a little soapstone carving. I did this for the first time on another cottage trip last year and I liked it so much I picked up some tools and stone so I could do it whenever I caught a second.

So anyway...here's my fish. It's in Brazilian soapstone. I posted two picks because I wanted to show the scale and colour a bit better..the orange/brown version is really the true look of the
piece...but the photo in my hand is without the
flash and it shows the detail a bit more I think.

Soapstone is one of the coolest things I've worked with in a long while and I highly recommend it. It's relatively cheep to get into and pretty relaxing....unless the thing breaks on you...which this did....the fish should have been another 3/4 inches in length but the tail broke early in the carve...so after much crying, I shortened the sucker. I think it turned out okay. :)

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