Monday, August 6, 2007

Look out Cat guy....there's a mean looking, angry robot type guy over there!!!!

Man...Blogger doesn't seem to like these pictures....they keep getting messed up...anyone else have any trouble posting PNG's?...anyway...attempt #3....This is a little pastel sketch I did...the one above is pretty close to the original....I think I pushed the saturation a smidge...and maybe added some magenta....But check it out! the one below is the second version where I pushed the yellows way up. Plus I hit the contrast a bit....the lesson to be learned here..? if you suck at makin' pictures the first time....Photoshop can make your pictures more coolester and less suckester.


Monkey Feet said...

You're like, a Photoshop wizard!

The bottom one is definitely scarier.

Run, cats, run!

paublo said...

so i was thinkin.. maybe you could teach me to draw some day.. killer stuff tedward!