Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I kinda just wanted to throw this up here....it's a sketch that's from my "Stupid sketches file". The other day a friend and I were chattin' about stuff and we touched on the fact that we both tend to dig drawing characters that are somewhat stressed...and this one came to mind....I don't know why....but crap like this makes me laugh.......

Orrrr......... maybe it's because it's really a visual metaphor representing the way I feel about life...I'm the duck....treading in the dark waters of existence.......and just below the surface lurks all the obstacles..... bills... taxes......relationships......career ...oh and my neighbours.....

(by the by...if any neighbours happen to read this; I wasn't talking about you.:)

1 comment:

Blayne Burnside said...

We're ALL the duck man.

He's got reason to be completely terrified.

Looks great!